Gatchaman G Force The Movie
Gatchaman, also known a the Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, was originally a Japanese animated series created in the 1970's. The series was about the five young superhero ninja working under the guide of Dr. Kozaburo Nambu of the 'International Science Organization' to oppose a group of technologically advanced villains, known as Galactor, from trying to take control of the earth's natural resources. Gatchaman is better known in the USA under the title 'Battle of the Planets' or 'G-Force' and the Hong-Kong-based Imagi Animation Studios have decided to revamp the franchise and to make a brand new CGI movie.
"Set in a future world grappling with environmental and technological issues, the story focuses on five reluctant heroes whose remarkable genetic code makes them Earth's only hope of defeating extra-terrestrial invaders." (Source: Imagi Animation Studios)
Here below the first official Gatchaman teaser trailer:
"Set in a future world grappling with environmental and technological issues, the story focuses on five reluctant heroes whose remarkable genetic code makes them Earth's only hope of defeating extra-terrestrial invaders." (Source: Imagi Animation Studios)
Here below the first official Gatchaman teaser trailer:
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